Doji is now a Carbon Neutral company

We’re committed to the UN Global Goals, with this in mind we’ve been measuring our emissions and looking to reduce them.

In order for us to meet the Paris Agreement and fight climate change, we must achieve NetZero emissions. NetZero means aiming to reduce 95% of our emissions, and offsetting the remaining 5%.

Individuals must reduce their emissions from 10 tonnes co2 / year to 2 tonnes co2 / year

Our journey to carbon neutrality

  1. Measure: check the scope of Doji's and its employees' co2 emissions.
  2. Offset: 100% of the emissions must be offset for us to achieve carbon neutrality.
  3. Strategise: emissions reports and recommendations. Formulate strategy to reduce, and create targets to track.
  4. Implement: start running our strategy.
  5. Track: track our reductions. Make necessary changes to strategy.

Our business and employee emissions

Since we launched, we’ve created 313 tonnes of CO2 emissions. This is the equivalent of:

driving 156 cars for a year / 89,518 beef burgers made / 158 homes powered for a year

We have now offset this, which is the equivalent of:

15650 trees growing for a year

Our certification:

Our certification

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