You can trust Doji’s verified sellers!

We take pride in saying that quality is at the top of our priority list. That’s why we have hand picked the best professional sellers in the UK to fulfill your orders. We make sure that every phone is verified and certified!

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Verified by Doji

This icon indicates that the product you're looking at has been thoroughly verified by one of our many certified and professional sellers.

How do we grade our devices?

All devices sold on our platform go through a rigorous quality control inspection process. All functions of the device are well tested to ensure the correct grading is assigned to it. We make sure to restore each device twice, double check cosmetics and process multiple IMEI checks in order to maintain consistent quality.

  1. Internal Components

    All internal components go through a meticulous verification by Phonecheck. The software runs dozens of tests and verifications to ensure the device's functionality.

  2. Screen

    The internal display is verified to be working perfectly, without yellowed areas or dead pixels. The outside screen cannot be cracked or dented, but it can have some level of wear, depending on the condition.

  3. Speaker & Mic

    Audio components are analysed by both Phonecheck as well as our own tech specialists, and verified to be in perfect condition.

  4. Cameras

    All cameras are tested and verified to be in perfect condition.

  5. Back & Sides

    The device's casing can have some level of wear, depending on the device's condition. However, there cannot be any cracks or bends.

Illustration of two phones highlighting the main aspects of Doji's verification

What are our Conditions?



Technical Functions

Device fully tested and verified to be working perfectly

Battery Health

Battery health of at least 85%

Screen & Display

Screen in pristine condition, with no marks in sight

Sides & Back

Sides and back may have slightly visible micro scratches


Device unlocked to any network


Very Good

Technical Functions

Device fully tested and verified to be working perfectly

Battery Health

Battery health of at least 83%

Screen & Display

Screen may have micro scratches, invisible if the device is held at arm's length and when the display is on

Sides & Back

Sides and back may have small scratches and scuffs visible when holding the device at arm's length


Device unlocked to any network



Technical Functions

Device fully tested and verified to be working perfectly

Battery Health

Battery health of at least 83%

Screen & Display

Screen may have small scratches, that can be visible if holding the device at arm's length, but are not visible in normal use when the display is on

Sides & Back

Sides and back may have small scratches, scuffs and small chips visible when holding the device at arm's length


Device unlocked to any network

Alert Icon

Phones bought or sold on Doji may have been previously repaired, provided that all internal components are approved by the manufacturer, and are of similar quality.


Our verification process counts with Phonecheck's software, that analyzes all internal components and device's capbilities, and certifies the quality and functionality of every device that goes through Doji.

Check Them Out
Phone being verified by Phonecheck's software

Our Customer Support team is here for you!

We know that buying a pre-owned device can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why our team is available to answer any questions you may have about our platform.

Reach out via email or through the chat!

Doji's customer support team

Not to mention

Icon of a shield

12-month Warranty

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30-day Return

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Free Delivery

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No Hidden Fees